This website was built by Feiner Services using the content management system GetSimple CMS. The graphical user interface ("theme") is based on Bootstrap3. The portfolio-type landing page, the contact form as well as the search bar in the menu have been added by Feiner Services to (hopefully) enhance the user experience.
Further additions to the theme Bootstrap3 are the obligatory "Cookie Message", a reminder to enable JavaScript in the user's browser to ensure correct functioning and usability of the website, a sitemap, and a "sticky" sidebar visible in wider viewports.
In order to make the website usable and searchable in English and German, the source code of the content management system has been modified and a suitable search routine programmed, which also copes with soft hyphens. For greater flexibility in doing so, the extension I18N has not been used.
The text you are currently reading is written in the font called "Noto Sans" and the symbols ("glyphs") representing "Home", "Legal", "Search", etc., are downloaded from the website IcoMoon.
The depicted flags used as indicators to switch this website's language to English or German are based on downloaded images from Wikipedia (Flag of the United Kingdom, Flag of Germany).
Although the English vocabulary on this website is strongly influenced by US-American English, the Flag of the United Kingdom is used to represent this version of English for the Word "English" evokes notions like "James Bond" and — exactly! — Great Britain. The same line of reasoning led to the conclusion that the German Flag should represent the German language, even though German is also the sole official language in Austria and Liechtenstein.
When visiting this website the display language is inferred from your browser's language setting by grabbing the first two characters in the request header your browser has sent:
If German (de) isn't detected, the display language will be English (en).
You can switch to German by clicking on this image

in the main menu.