Legal Notice

The fol­low­ing in­for­ma­tion is pro­vided in com­pli­ance with Sec­tion 5 of the Ger­man Tele­media Act — §5 Tele­me­dien­ge­setz (TMG). In Ger­man this dec­la­ra­tion is usu­ally called "Impressum".


In­for­ma­tion in ac­cor­dance with §5 TMG:

Web­site Owner:
Franz Feiner, Ph.D.
Feiner Services

Am Anger 2

86932 Pürgen
Federal Republic of Ger­many

Telephone, Email:
Telephone: +49 (0) 8196 900 29 06
Cell phone: +49 (0) 176 345 27 486

Value Added Tax Identification Number:
(persuant to Sec­tion 27a of the Ger­man Value Added Tax Act — §27a Um­satz­steuer­ge­setz [UStG])


Content Disclaimer
Although ev­ery rea­son­able ef­fort is made to pre­sent cur­rent and ac­cu­rate in­for­ma­tion, the Web­site Owner makes no guar­an­tees of any kind re­gard­ing the com­plete­ness, up-to-date­ness, ac­cu­racy, or qual­ity of in­for­ma­tion pub­lished on the website.
In ac­cor­dance with Sec­tion 7 Para­graph 1 of the Ger­man Tele­media Act (§7 Abs. 1 TMG), web­site owners can be held re­spon­si­ble for their own content.
This "own con­tent" is to be dis­tin­guished from links to con­tent pro­vided by ex­ter­nal web­sites.
However, ac­cord­ing to Sec­tions 8 to 10 of the TMG, the Web­site Owner is not li­able to mon­i­tor or as­sess in­for­ma­tion which has been trans­mit­ted or stored by third par­ties for in­di­ca­tions of il­le­gal ac­tiv­ity. The li­a­bil­ity to re­move or block the use of in­for­ma­tion in ac­cor­dance with gen­eral laws re­mains un­af­fected by this. How­ever, li­a­bil­ity in this re­gard is only ap­pli­ca­ble after the Web­site Owner has learned of the vi­o­la­tion of the law. Hav­ing learned of such a vi­o­la­tion the Web­site Owner will im­me­di­ately re­move the re­spec­tive content.
The Web­site Owner shall not be li­able for dam­age of a tan­gi­ble or in­tan­gi­ble na­ture caused di­rectly or in­di­rectly through the use or fail­ure to use the in­for­ma­tion of­fered and/or through the use of faulty or in­com­plete in­for­ma­tion un­less it is veri­fia­bly cul­pa­ble of in­tent or gross neg­li­gence. The Web­site Owner re­serves the right to mod­ify, sup­ple­ment, or delete any or all of the in­for­ma­tion of­fered on its In­ter­net site, or to tem­porar­ily or per­ma­nently cease pub­li­ca­tion thereof with­out prior and sep­a­rate notification.

Links Disclaimer
Certain links on this web­site lead to re­sources that are not main­tained by or un­der the con­trol of the Web­site Owner. There­fore the Web­site Owner is not re­spon­si­ble for the con­tents of any such ref­er­enced web­sites or for the avail­abil­ity of ac­cess to such web­sites. The linked con­tent has been scru­ti­nized for po­ten­tial in­fringe­ments at the time the link was cre­ated and no in­di­ca­tions of any in­fringe­ments had then been found. A con­tin­u­ous scrutiny of linked con­tent for po­ten­tial in­fringe­ments is not fea­si­ble. If a linked con­tent pre­sents an in­fringe­ment the re­spec­tive link will be re­moved im­me­di­ately after the Web­site Owner has re­ceived an ap­pro­pri­ate notice.

All con­tent ap­pear­ing on this web­site is sub­ject to the Ger­man Act on Copy­right and the prop­erty of the Web­site Owner, un­less oth­er­wise stated. Any use of the con­tent of this web­site ex­ceed­ing the bound­aries de­fined by this act is only per­mis­si­ble with the writ­ten con­sent of the Web­site Owner. Copies of the web­site's con­tent are per­mit­ted for pri­vate, non-com­mer­cial use only.
The Web­site Owner ob­serves the copy­right of third par­ties and re­spec­tive third-party con­tent is de­noted as such. If an in­fringe­ment of copy­right laws is sus­pec­ted to oc­cur on this web­site, please no­tify the Web­site Owner. Ap­pro­pri­ate mea­sures will be adopted im­me­di­ately by the Web­site Owner after learn­ing of said occurrence.

Privacy Policy
See here.

Cookies Policy
See here.

This Legal No­tice is based on a Ger­man text gen­er­ated by the web­site eRecht24.