Medical Technology
Implantable Highly Efficient Rectifier
Developing and simulating an active rectifier with minimized heat loss
Non-Contact Blood Flow Measurement in an Artificial Heart Prototype
Computing ultrasound propagation and designing ultrasound refractive bodies
Birthing Simulator
Transforming the conceptual hard- and software created at the Technical University of Munich and ETH Zurich into a close-to-production apparatus
Brain Simulator
Transforming the conceptual hard- and software created at the Technical University of Munich and ETH Zurich into a close-to-production apparatus
Finding the Cause for Deviations from Specifications in the Performance of a Medical Device
Analyzing the production process and calculating the effects of found dimensional errors on the performance of the device
Wireless Power Transfer
Conceiving a Wireless Energy Transfer System in the KW Range
Finding a method to wirelessly transmit electric power into a metal chamber
Analyzing the Measurement Loop of an Interferometry Based Positioning System with Nanometer Resolution
Identifying all influencing variables and their corresponding errors to predict the spatial and temporal positioning stability
Simulating a Scintillator Array Coupled to Photomultipliers via Fiber Optics
Arranging the scintillators and calculating the detection efficiency of the overall assembly
Security Features based on Moiré Patterns
Proof-of-concept study
Technical Advice
Evaluation of a Novel Interference Setup
Advising potential investors on the implementation of a proposed optical method
Literature Search on Insulating High-Temperature Materials
Providing advice on materials for a high-voltage and high-temperature application
Evaluating Metals and Alloys for High-Temperature and High-Humidity Environments
Recommending metals and alloys based on their corrosion behavior data found in the literature
Advising Patent Attorneys and Lawyers on Technical and Scientific Matters
Compiling and processing relevant literature and giving talks on specific topics
Identifying an Optical Adhesive for Coupling a Scintillator to a Photomultiplier
Evaluating commercially available adhesives in terms of their spectral transmissions and refractive indices
Estimating the Cleaning Efficacy of a New Ultrasonic Device
Examining a patent specification and related literature on the effects of shear forces in water close to gas bubble walls
Literature Search on Insulating High-Temperature Adhesives
Identifying adhesives which permanently resist temperatures of at least 500°C
Increasing the Efficiency of Lead-Acid Accumulators
Analyzing the charging and discharging processes with respect to acid stratification
Drafting of a Proposal for a Utility Model Application
Describing an invention as well as creating drawings of the relevant parts
Recommending High-Voltage and High-Power Electronic Components
Finding suitable transistors, capacitors, and storage chokes based on information from datasheets and email exchanges with manufacturers
Literature Search on the Effects of Water Vapor on Piezoelectric Composite Materials
Investigating why the properties of certain piezoelectric materials change during autoclaving
Patent and Non-Patent Literature Search on Wireless Power Transfer Systems
Assessing the technologies described in the literature
Patent Literature Search on Wireless Power Transfer Systems
Identifying the key players in the field
Patent and Non-Patent Literature Search on Level Measurement Systems
Assessing the technologies described in the literature
Device Development
Refitting a Silver Recovery Unit
Improving the drive and the electrical components of an electrolytic silver precipitation apparatus
Conceiving a Novel Hygrometer to Work at High Temperatures
Finding a method to measure humidity at temperatures of up to 300°C
Building an Active Vibration Damping Device
Setting up the electronics and transducers to produce countervibrations in order to reduce vibrations
Contriving a Retrofittable Level Measurement System
Developing a method based on a magnetic field sensor and a magnetic float
Damping the Vibrations of a Transformer Core Working at High Temperatures (> 350°C)
Finding and applying a process to reduce the oscillations of steel laminations caused by magnetostriction
Deducing the Radioactive Decay Rate in Aerosols
Converting the count rate of an aerosol monitor into volume activity data by modeling the measurement process
Inventory Software
Processing and checking inventory data
Compiling a Portable Presentation Software
Using diverse viewer programs and a script language to display PDF files and videos
Responsive design with the content management system Drupal
Creating a (Patent) Literature Database
Setting up the database and searching for relevant data
Due to contractual agreements, no details concerning the clients can be given — bar two exceptions.