Website Building, Programming

Website Building

Feiner Services would like to build your web­site based on these guide­lines:


Striving to fully under­stand what you want and working in close con­sul­ta­tion with you.


Using simple means suited to achieve your goals.


Clear fonts, letters of legi­ble size and easy to grasp texts.

Easily Accessible Content

Content structure and menus de­signed to help the users find what they are looking for.

At the mo­ment this is the most cost-ef­fective way to serve a great range of devices.

Feiner Services sets up static pages (based solely on HTML and CSS), but mainly dy­namic web­sites using script­ing lan­guages (PHP, Java­Script) within a con­tent man­age­ment system (CMS).

Examples of CMSs Feiner Services has expe­rience with:

This web­site is built with Get­Simple CMS and some additional PHP and JavaScript programming. Get­Simple CMS works without a data­base and is well-suited for small web­sites.

This is a CMS to create almost any type of web­site be it on ballooning or promoting the high-tech prod­ucts of Tesla, Inc.

The most popu­lar CMS which started as a blog­ging platform.

This CMS is a stream­lined ver­sion of Drupal.

The con­tent man­age­ment systems men­tioned above can be ob­tained at no cost. By using them you only have to pay for im­ple­ment­ing and host­ing your website.

The websites will be tested in dif­fer­ent browsers (Chrome, An­droid Browser, Safari, Fire­fox, In­ter­net Ex­plorer, Edge) and on dif­fer­ent operating systems (Windows, An­droid, iOS) to make sure that all CSS and Java­Script fea­tures work with these configurations.

Feiner Services can also do il­lus­tra­tions, make your web­site bi­lin­gual (Eng­lish, Ger­man), and write con­tent for you.

If you are using Mi­cro­soft Win­dows, Feiner Services would like to help you to im­prove your daily workflow:

Providing you with soft­ware tai­lor-made to your spec­i­fi­ca­tions and busi­ness needs

Automating pro­cesses you other­wise would have to manu­ally re­peat us­ing one or many programs

In doing so, Feiner Services will pay close at­ten­tion to your re­quests and feed­backs as well as keep the soft­ware as simple as possible.

Feiner Services usually de­vel­ops custom soft­ware in C#.NET or VB.NET.

Automation of Mi­cro­soft Of­fice com­po­nents (Word, Excel, Power­Point, Access, Out­look) will be done with Visual Basic for Ap­pli­ca­tions (VBA) — when nec­es­sary in com­bi­na­tion with the script­ing lan­guage AutoIt. AutoIt will also be em­ployed for the more gen­eral auto­ma­tion tasks.


Feiner Services will help you to de­cide whether tai­lor-made soft­ware or au­to­mat­ing your work­flow with ex­ist­ing pro­grams is the most cost-ef­fec­tive way to meet your re­quirements.